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Irish Club membership year runs from August 1 to July 31 each year.

$15 for a single membership


$20 for a family membership


Lifetime Membership
Anyone who has been a member of the Irish Club of Regina for 25 years or more, is eligible for Lifetime
membership. Please advise us if you are eligible and we will take care of that for you.


Please remember that in order to vote at the Annual General Meeting, you must have your membership renewed before August 31th 2021. The ICR AGM will be in November 2021.


To renew by mail:

  1. Print the ICR Membership form and fill it out completely
  2. Mail the form and your payment to the following address: (please make cheques made payable to ‘Irish Club of Regina’)












To renew online:

  1. Print the ICR Membership form and fill it out completely

  2. Take a picture of the completed form and email it to

  3. E-transfer your payment to ICR

Irish Club of Regina (ICR)

59 Irvin Crescent
Regina, SK

S4R 5L3

Thank you for visiting! - The Irish Club of Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA
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